Today, a bipartisan group of Members of Congress, working with my Administration, reached agreement on economic rescue legislation that is urgently needed to address a crisis in our financial system that threatens the entire U.S. economy.

I appreciate the leadership shown by Members on both sides of the aisle, who came together to write a very good bill. This bill provides the necessary tools and funding to help protect our economy against a system-wide breakdown. The bill will help allow access to credit so American families can meet their daily needs and American businesses can make purchases, ship goods, and meet their payrolls. And this plan sends a strong signal to markets around the world that the United States is serious about restoring confidence and stability to our financial system. Without this rescue plan, the costs to the American economy could be disastrous.

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Moses called together all the people of Israel and said to them, "People of Israel, listen to all the laws that I am giving you today. Learn them and be sure that you obey them. At Mount Sinai the Lord our God made a covenant, not only with our fathers, but with all of us who are living today. There on the mountain the Lord spoke to you face-to-face from the fire. I stood between you and the Lord at that time to tell you what he said, because you were afraid of the fire and would not go up the mountain.

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  • Aug 20 Tue 2013 16:45
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August 17, 20

MR. JOHNDROE: Good morning, everyone. This morning the President had his normal briefings. Then he taped the radio address; the topic will be Iraq, and how the provincial reconstruction teams are working to help facilitate political and economic reforms, as well as assist with bottom up reconciliation.

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  anniversary n.周年紀唸(日)

醫學-醫藥翻譯 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

April 28, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: It is my honor to wele the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum here to Washington. First of all,中英翻譯, I want to thank my friend, President Lula, for encouraging this forum to go forward. It's an indication of the importance that we both place on our bilateral relations. Brazil is a very powerful, very important country in our neighborhood, and it's really important for this administration and future administrations to work closely with the Brazilian government, like it is important for our respective business munities to work closely together.

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Over the weekend, members of my Administration and congressional leaders worked on legislation to address the crisis in our Nation's financial markets. They made good headway toward a bill that can pass the House and Senate in a timely manner, and the American people appreciate their efforts.

Obviously, there will be differences over some details, and we will have to work through them. That is an understandable part of the policy making process. But it would not be understandable if Members of Congress sought to use this emergency legislation to pass unrelated provisions, or to insist on provisions that would undermine the effectiveness of the plan. I appreciate Members of Congress in both parties resisting the urge to do so, and keeping the rescue bill focused on solving the crisis in our financial markets.

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October 9, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Thank you all for ing. I want to thank Secretary Spellings for joining me here. And I appreciate you all -- the leaders of the civil rights munity and advocates for minority and disadvantaged students for joining us as well.

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PRESIDENT BUSH: It's my honor to wele back to the Oval Office President Kabila. Thanks for ing, sir. The President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The last time the President was here we talked about his desire to have free and fair elections in his country. Since that time his country has had free and fair elections. And my first order of business today was to congratulate the President for garnering 58 percent of the vote.

We talked about the need to work together to help consolidate the gains. We talked about the need to -- for the United States to partner with the country to help on economic development. One of the things the President recognizes is the need for there to be investment in his country, so people can find work, and the stability that es with economic development. And I appreciate your recognition of the opportunity to work together.

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